Tutors901 is here to help!
Academic struggles happen to everyone!
It even happened to Einstein!
Our founder, Lisa Ayerst, knows what it is like to struggle. As a third grader, she found herself having a hard time with math. Negative numbers and multiplication were very confusing to her. Her struggle landed her in summer school and under the instruction of Mrs. Baugh. As a tough but caring teacher, she taught Lisa that it just takes more time for some than others. Mrs. Baugh was “that teacher” that opened the eyes of a future mathematician and teacher. Lisa learned that effort and hard work eventually do pay off.
It is with that mindset that Tutors901 was founded with the mission that some students need “that teacher” like Mrs. Baugh. As tutors and academic coaches, we strive to help our students overcome the challenges they face in the classroom, as well as, help prepare them for the college admissions testing. Our philosophy is that instruction and academic support should be individualized as no two students learn the same.
What We Tutor
ACT and SAT Test Prep
Executive Function
Study Skills
Mathematics ~ English ~ ACT and SAT Test Prep ~ History ~ Executive Function ~ Study Skills ~